Tag: Drabble

Drabble: Stockholm’s Inverse

Drabble: Stockholm’s Inverse

The new treaty re-affranchised Piotr from the years of imprisonment following his plane being downed behind enemy lines. Having not seen beyond his filth-ridden cells in a decade, the effulgence of the sunlit world outside brought him to his knees, tears streaming his faceā€¦ but he cried not for the sun. Upon his death, years…

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Drabble: The Champion

Drabble: The Champion

Priming his steed to charge once more into the fray, the grizzled champion grunts, and lowers his lance back into position. The signal flashes, the onslaught begins anew. Like wild beasts fleeing a fire, his foes lurch forth as a disjointed mass. He easily pushes through, whacking their ankles and knees with a precision honed…

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