Category: Review

“Sunshine” Killed My Happiness

“Sunshine” Killed My Happiness

When I was in second grade, I started having these really bizarre (to me at the age) dreams about a fellow classmate named Meg. In those dreams, she would exist as some sort of wonderful beneficial thing, and her rare touch was addictive, the ambrosia of life. I remember waking up after each of these…

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Warhammer FRP 3rd Ed: First Hands-On Experience

Warhammer FRP 3rd Ed: First Hands-On Experience

This past weekend I had the unexpected pleasure of running a last-minute session of the new Warhammer Fantasy RPG – the 3rd Edition boxed set from Fantasy Fight Games, to be specific. The folks over at Gnome Stew have an excellent “unpacking” article on the game, with lots of pictures of its juicy innards, so…

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